Summer Mini Sessions - Limited Time Slots

Happy Summer! I’ve got a few limited openings for Mini Sessions coming up I early August at two iconic Minneapolis Locations - the Mill City Museum Area and Boom Island Park. I’d love to see some of you. Take a look at the information below the photos for more information about available timeslots and how to book your session.


Date: Thursday August 6th, 2020

Rain Date: Friday August 7th, 2020

(Please be available for the Rain Dates listed, no refunds will be given if you book and are not available for the rain date.)

Morning Location:  Boom Island Park in Minneapolis (cool bridge, woodsy areas, river and skyline views)

Evening Location: Mill City Museum Area (stone museum walls, old railroad ties, metal steps, backgrounds of the city, lots of fun & character!)

All Mini Sessions are $250 and Include: 

20 minute session & 20 color images delivered digitally an Online Gallery

Reprint Release - allows you to download photos to your computer and  get prints made at your leisure

The available times are listed below.  To book your spot, please email: your TOP 2 TIME SLOTS. I will email you to confirm the time slot that works and then a Booking Contract and Invoice will be emailed to you and a $50 deposit must be paid within 2 days to reserve your time.

Deposit is NON REFUNDABLE but will be transferred to a new date if necessary because of COVID.

Please do not respond to blog post or Facebook post to book your Mini Session, please email:





3:00pm BOOKED

3:30pm BOOKED