Let's Stay Home - COVID19 Updates
First and foremost, I wanted to let you all know how much I MISS seeing you all and capturing your sweet families. I am itching to get back to doing what I love. Most importantly though, I want to make sure everyone around me is safe. That leads me to a quick update on what is in store for future photo sessions.
At this time, because of the Governor’s Executive Stay-at-Home orders, as a non-essential business, I am not legally allowed to conduct any photo sessions,, indoors or outdoors. This also includes Front Porch Sessions which many of you have mentioned to me. As much as I’d love to be out even at a safe distance capturing your sweet families on your front steps at your home, this is also currently not a “legal” activity for photographers, despite the positive media attention some of these types of sessions have been getting.
My hope is that very soon, photographers will be able to be outdoors taking photos while maintaining correct social distance and I can’t WAIT till that happens. I won’t be putting any dates on my calendar until I get the all-clear to do so.
Until then, what I am offering as an alternative option is for you, my loyal clients, is to purchase a Gift Certificate for a Session which will reserve your spot in line for booking a Summer or Fall 2020 Session. If you are interested in this option, just shoot me an email for more details! leann@honeybeeandpeony.com
And keep an eye on my Facebook and Instagram Pages. I will be featuring more family sessions every few days as well as a fun contest for a chance to win a free Mini Session also coming soon.
Stay Safe, Stay Home Friends! And Stay SANE too if possible. I can’t wait to see you all soon.
XOXO, Leann